Well, I guess it's been more than a month since my last post. I was busy getting used to having a dog. She is really amazing. We are still working on potty training. She has done rather well recently. Although she still seems a bit unclear on the concept of going to the door to be let out when she needs to go. However, when she was left in my Uncle David's kitchen for a few hours while I was at a seminar and he was out, she used the pad I set out for her. This was a major breakthrough.
So, I came down to Ventura to visit my Uncle David, his girlfriend Cindy and their posse of dogs: Diggie the old man, Trevor the mellow one (but don't fuck with his food), and Apollo Cindy's 65lb baby Golden. And Anisa also visited one night. She is a 100 lb Ridgeback. When we first arrived Ruby was skeptical of the boys, especially Apollo because he was so big and aggressive. By the second day, however, she had no issues and had a great time playing with him. He was able to play really well with her, just rough enough not to hurt her. On Monday morning when we got up (Ruby and I) she ran around the house looking for Apollo. He had been taken to the vet really early to be fixed. She seemed very sad. Now we are having to keep them apart, because Apollo really wants to play, but he is not allowed due to his fresh sutures.
In any case, I got some great photos of them playing.
Today it is raining in Ventura. I don't think I have ever been here in the rain. I am happy I decided to stay another day, because I don't really feel like driving in the rain. Hopefully it will be dry, for at least part of my trip, tomorrow.
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