Mexican Sunset

Mexican Sunset

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Baños and More

Actually, we have been lucky for the most part. The bathrooms in Mexico have been greatly improved over the last 10 years. Most places actually have toilet seats and some soap to wash your hands with afterward. There is really nothing worse than trying to squat over a filthy dirty porcelain seat while buzzed off tequila, except accidentally sitting down. Lucky for me I rarely drink to excess any more so I don´t have to worry too much about balancing while drunk.
When we first arrived there were some bodily functions issues that we both had. At one point or another we have either not been able to go or it was coming out much too easily. I think we have adjusted and neither one of us has been sick yet. So, really we can´t complain. It is rather humurous though because we are constantly checking in about ¨dropping the kids off.¨ It is a very fascinating topic I guess. Never a dull moment down here.
Speaking of which... the last time I was writing on the blog two days ago I think, Caroline came running into the lobby giggling hysterically about something. She had been on the deck by the pool checking out the stars and she noticed something funny going on down the beach about 50 feet. Two men were making out against some stacked chairs and started getting hot and heavy. At first she wasn´t sure of what she was seeing, but as soon as it became clear to her what was going on, she ran in to get Aurelio (our hotel manager) and me to come and see too. I actually stayed at the computer, but Aurelio and Caroline went running out to the beach. Sure enough the lovers were totally getting in on under a spot light right on the beach with a bunch of on lookers. Not much later, from what I understand, they were caught by the Federalis. According to Aurelio, that probably cost them more than a 5 star hotel. Bummer. A 5 star hotel would have been a lot more comfortable that is for sure.
Anyway, remember if you are in Mexico: it is illegal to have sex on the beach, drink in public, piss in publc, and most things you can think of that are also illegal in the USA. That is unless you are able and willing to PAY for it. And you will pay one way or another. Either you will spend time in jail or you will pay money and lots of it. They do not play around. It is no joke.

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