Mexican Sunset

Mexican Sunset

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Russian Water

No, I am not talking about vodka. That is a whole different story.
The water in Moscow & St. Petersburg is incredibly “hard. ” I guess it is filled with minerals as well as chlorine and whatever else they add to it to make it potable. Still, people usually drink bottled water. We used a filter and it was fine, although bottled was definitely better. Never mind drinking the water, it’s the bathing and washing your hands constantly (see DIRT) that takes a toll. I have never used so much lotion and cream ever. I had no idea that I would need it as much as I did, so it’s a good thing I packed so much. I used it ALL. Literally I would wash my hands and once they were dry, I could feel them cracking. Drives me crazy. My hair felt coarse no matter how much conditioner I used. My legs would feel tight and itchy if I forgot the lotion after a shower. And my arms were pretty much constantly itchy – this is already an issue for me, so it was just exacerbated by the hard water.

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